The goal of the project is to identify the priority needs of communities for further consideration in the development and implementation of recovery policies at the national level. The project aimed to understand which problems require the most attention, given the existing range of negative factors, and to identify potential solutions, which resulted in the development of step-by-step recommendations.

The project was implemented in cooperation with the National Democratic Institute (NDI).
Project Objectives
Development of prototypes for joint policy formation, budgeting, and monitoring of implementation at the local level in pilot communities.
Promote the efficient and transparent use of resources for post-war community reconstruction with a proportional level of involvement of local CSOs and vulnerable groups, which should be fully integrated into the long-term decision-making process at the local level.
Broad involvement of organized social groups (NGOs, trade unions, charitable foundations, associations, etc.) in public discussions of relevant budget issues, which will contribute to increased transparency and the formulation of more informed decisions.
Development of favorable aspects of the full integration and socialization of internally displaced persons in project communities, which will protect their interests and enable their swift integration into the restoration of entrepreneurial activities.
Assistance to local governments in developing multi-dimensional recovery plans that will meet the needs of the vast majority of the community, taking into account the interests of different social groups.
Project Results
Six communities from different regions were covered (Dunayevetska, Berdychivska, Pervomaiska, Novoukrainska, Myronivska, and Nizhynska).
Twelve recommendations were developed to support the recovery and development of local communities.
NGOs such as the Institute Republic, SMART MEDIA, and Active Community were involved in the cooperation.
A number of experts specializing in working with underrepresented groups were engaged to provide professional consultations on specific narrow-profile aspects.