Completed project

Multilevel Dialogue on the Effective Use of Social and Financial Resources for the Inclusive Recovery of Ukraine

About the project: involvement of citizens in the development and implementation of post-war community development strategies. Assessment and recommendations on the effectiveness of the use of enterprises resources owned by communities and budget resources for post-war reconstruction. Monitoring the involvement of civil society in the development and implementation of post-war reconstruction and development of both Ukraine and selected communities. Analysis of diaspora and temporarily protected persons (TPP) initiatives in the EU, establishing cooperation with diaspora and TPO organizations.

The goal of the project is the wider involvement of public organizations and active citizens in the development, implementation and control of post-war community development, the organization of a multi-level dialogue and discussion of a common vision of post-war recovery and development, the involvement of the diaspora and temporarily displaced persons abroad in post-war development communities and Ukraine as a whole.

For more than a year, the russian army has been destroying infrastructure facilities every day. Ukrainians are losing their property, community infrastructure is crumbling. Therefore, the reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine should be thought about now. The project “Multilevel dialogue on the effective use of social and financial resources for the inclusive recovery of Ukraine” is aimed at involving citizens in monitoring the use of social and financial resources for the inclusive recovery of Ukraine. Shatsk community of Volyn region, Berezhan community of Ternopil region, Bakhmach community of Chernihiv region were selected as target communities of the project.

The following activities will be carried out within the framework of the project:

  • In the target communities, information will be collected from people, priorities will be determined, and concepts will be developed regarding recovery issues
  • An analysis of the budget expenditures of aid in the target communities in the context of recovery was carried out.
  • Developed recovery budget guidelines, including best practices
  • Recommendations have been developed for improving budget procedures and the efficiency of the activities of communal enterprises for the restoration of local infrastructure
  • The process of involving civil society in the development and implementation of the recovery plan at the national and local levels has been analyzed
  • Engaged stakeholders in open discussions on recovery assistance issues

According to various data, the number of Ukrainians in the whole world ranges from 11 to more than 30 million people. The Ukrainian diaspora has shown its effectiveness in supporting the Ukrainian struggle for democratic values and freedom after the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. It was the diaspora that became the backbone of volunteer activities abroad, took an active part in the defense and advocacy of sanctions, weapons, and the necessary assistance for the country’s economy. The diaspora also actively promoted Ukraine’s membership in the EU and initiated numerous support measures. Thanks to the efforts of the diaspora, Ukraine received an additional mechanism of influence on national governments and the necessary material and non-material assistance. Meanwhile, many citizens who fled the war unwittingly became part of the newly created diaspora, greatly increasing the size of the diaspora. Ukraine as a country is interested in uniting the diaspora in different countries and building effective communication to promote national interests.

As a result, there is no comprehensive data on the number and structure of the diaspora, and the diaspora acts out of sync both among themselves and in relations with the country of origin. The need to improve the situation is due to the constantly growing number of members of the diaspora. According to the UNHCR, more than 79,200 people crossed the borders of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and the number doubled in the following days to about 179,500 on February 25, 322,800 on February 26, and 490,400 on February 27. The lack of a comprehensive communication and mobilization strategy can impair the potential of the diaspora and cause disconnection from events in the country of origin.

The ANTS project, together with the Republic Institute, is conducting a large-scale study of the Ukrainian diaspora in Europe, particularly in Italy, Germany and France, from March to September 2023. The purpose of the research is:

  1. In-depth study of the centers of the Ukrainian diaspora and the search for effective ways to improve the interaction of the diaspora both with Ukrainian institutions and with official institutions and Ukrainian emigrants in host countries
  2. Analysis of the changes that took place in the diasporas after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the mass emigration of Ukrainians abroad

As a result of the study, recommendations will be prepared for representatives of the Ukrainian authorities regarding methods of effective interaction with the centers of the Ukrainian diaspora in the European countries indicated above.

The project “Multilevel dialogue on the effective use of social and financial resources for the inclusive recovery of Ukraine” is implemented with the assistance of the National Democratic Institute. + logo and funded by USAID.


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