An active project

EUROSCOPE – Eurointegration Tracker

EUROSCOPE – Eurointegration tracker. Our relations with the EU have passed the durability test and undergone drastic changes during the years of russia’s war against Ukraine. Ukraine became at the forefront of protecting European values while defending its own sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We launched EUROSCOPE to analyze Ukraine’s progress toward EU membership. The project helps people to understand why Ukraine should join the European Union and at what stage it is now.

Experts team of network «ANTS», within the Euroscope project framework, monitors European integration reforms implemented by Ukraine.

Advocacy of Ukraine’s interests in implementing EU legislation is carried out through public and non-public dialogues with decision-makers.


European Studies ANTS

The project has a training component – European Studies ANTS, implemented in cooperation with the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Foundation.

European Studies ANTS applies a unique approach to educating promising Ukrainian youth, immersing students in the theory and practice of European integration.

It consists of a combination of lectures conducted by leading European and Ukrainian experts, intellectuals, and practitioners, recorded in Bohdan Gavrylyshyn’s apartment. In addition, we will publish an online learning course formed from these recordings on an educational platform. The program also envisages face-to-face meetings of the most successful students with lecturers.

The combination allows listeners to have an in-depth understanding of the specifics of the work of European institutions, their effectiveness and connections with national management systems along with EU budget and fiscal procedures. It also covers the activities of various markets, innovation ecosystems, and the latest developments in defense and security, etc.

In addition, an essential component of the training is study visits to and internships at European institutions. Our graduates are expected to continue their career path by working at Ukrainian public authorities and think tanks to facilitate our country’s effective European integration progress.

European Studies ANTS are part of the larger plan of the NGO National Interests Advocacy Network «ANTS» to form and nurture a new state elite and create a network of new generation experts eager to work for the benefit of Ukraine while being part of public and civil society institutions.

The project is funded under the framework of the MATRA Program with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine.

Kingdom of the Netherlands
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