
The Revolution of Dignity was the beginning of the war for Independence

The Dignity Revolution was a really historic event in Ukraine and modern Ukrainian history. It was actually the beginning of the war for Independence.

During the TVP WORLD broadcast, Maksym Kyyak, a top worldwide specialist of the National Interests Advocacy Network “ANTS” and a participant in the Revolution of Dignity, stressed this.

“And we are still fighting for our independence during the russias war against Ukrainian. The Revolution of Dignity was the birthplace of a nation, demonstrating to the rest of the world what Ukraine truly is and how distinct it is from russia. After all, our country values Dignity and Freedom. We are willing to die for our beliefs. Yes, the Heavenly hundred grew into the Heavenly thousands of fallen daughters and sons. The Russians would never even consider doing something like that,” – Maksym Kyyak explains.

The analyst is convinced that russian snipers were responsible for the murders of the Heavenly Hundred on the Maidan.

“Because only they could kill in such a way. And I’d like to point out that these murders are being eaten up in Ukraine’s south and east. Unfortunately, russia has already slain thousands of defenders, troops, and the greatest.”

According to Kyyak, Ukraine is currently engaged in a genuine struggle for independence, which the country will undoubtedly win.

“Because we gained freedom in advance in 1991, and now we must defend it with weapons. We must be entirely independent of the russian federation in all aspects in order to have nothing in common with the enemy country. I am confident that, following the triumph, Ukraine will emerge as a strong and successful European country. When the Maidan began, Ukrainians announced that they are a part of Europe and that they are returning home.”

The analyst emphasizes that the stereotype regarding separation to eastern and western Ukraine is a russian propaganda-imposed narrative.

“There are many pro-Ukrainian individuals in East of Ukraine, and they have now seen and experienced russia for themselves. They no longer want anything to do with russia as a result of the deaths and shelling.”

Ukraine now needs more determined backing from its Western partners:

“Ukrainians recognize that the coming of American President Joe Biden is a historic moment. We’ll read about this visit in history books in a few years. Yes, the arrival signifies that the West will remain in Ukraine for as long as it is required. But I’d like to emphasize that we require this assistance right away. Ukrainian troops today protect not just their home country, but also Europe as a whole.”

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