We are living in the very challenging time when no compromises possible. And it’s very important for me to say that standing with Ukraine means winning with Ukraine.
This was emphasized by Hanna Hopko, the head of the National Interests Advocacy Network “ANTS” during the World Movement for Democracy, which is currently taking place in Taiwan.
«Standing with Ukraine means no compromises, means no double standards, and means no hybrid diplomacies. Because you cannot stand with Ukraine and ask Ukrainians to compassion russia or to consist territories or to support epic the evil. So I think we are living in the very challenging time when no compromises possible. And it’s very important for me to say that stand with Ukraine it means win with Ukraine, » – highlighted by Hanna Hopko.
The leader of “ANTS” thanked the Taiwanese government for its support.
«We are very thankful because this government never visited, give, never visited Ukraine, but the help is already in Ukraine. So sometimes actions speaks more that millions of statements. And I’m here today because I’m representing my nation, I’m the voice of millions Ukrainians which are fighting. Some of my friends already sacrifice their lives for my chance to continue fight and defeat russia. And in 21st century God’s purpose to Ukraine – to win. To defeat imperialism. It’s now just about regime change. Remember in 1991 when Soviet Union was disintegrated, it was defeat of communism, but not the defeat of colonialism. So now it’s our time, it’s time for Ukraine to defeat russian imperialism and send a clearly message to China and other authoritarian regimes, » – she said during her speech.
Hanna Hopko emphasized that successful Ukraine is a nightmare for putin, his regime and even for russian society.
«You have seen the images from destroyed Ukrainian cities. Iranian drone’s kamikaze deliberately attacked civilians. And l asking you today to start funding to buy more drones for Ukraine to defend us. I’m here with my college Daria from Anti-Corruption Action Centre. So can you imagine that Ukraine is now punish our reforms which manage in succeed in anti-corruption rule of law? Because successful Ukraine is a nightmare for putin, his regime and even for russian society!»
She underlined that democracy needs weapon!
«We can organize many movements discussions, but when my friends are in the battlefield….. and every hour under the phosphor bombs, missiles and civilians, kids. It’s genocide! So let me remind the last century when Stalin organised man-made against Ukraine. But the world hasn’t punished the Soviet regime. And this is why russian current totalitarian regime is committing another genocide. So it’s a time to help Ukraine to win faster. Please, help us to get more weapons we need to defend democracy. I’m advocating for weapon, I’m advocating for tougher sanctions, I’m advocating for humanity. And I’m believe in Ukrainian Victory. Because it’s God’s purpose for Ukraine in 21st century. And by winning,we will bring freedom for all of us, for whole planet, for different continents, in Latin America, in Africa, in Asia. So victory of Ukraine is geopoliticaly important. After victory we will rebuild our country. And our country will become a dream for those who now are suffering. And we will be successful example».