The first series of the documentary series “Volunteer’s Diary” was released by the National Interests Advocacy Network “ANTS”.
“Each video is a story about the trips of the “ANTS” volunteer, Petro Shot, who every time risks his life and goes to the most dangerous places to help and support those in need. “Volunteer’s Diary” is about life and faith in the future, according to Anna Slyusarenko, the project’s producer and a member of the National Interests Advocacy Network “ANTS”. “We live in a time when every day is historic, and a volunteer’s day is even more so”.
For the ninth year in a row, Petro Shot, a Ukrainian volunteer, has been delivering humanitarian aid to frontline regions.
“Petro is one of those people who does volunteer work simply because he can’t do anything else. He has been visiting frontline regions for the ninth year, since the beginning of the Russian invasion. With each subsequent trip, the public’s and partners’ trust in him grew, which meant that the amount of assistance grew as well. When he gets home, he tells his friends and acquaintances about the stories that have impressed him. Each of the stories, believe me, touches the depths of the soul. Petro usually only took photos on his trips. As a result, the idea of sending a cameraman with him took place. First, we filmed a trip to the already liberated Izyum, showing the city’s life immediately after the occupation. Footage from this story wowed not only our team, but also the public in Ukraine and abroad, and it quickly went viral on social media. We realized that making such documentary videos from every trip is worthwhile”.
Each page of the “Volunteer’s Diary” is its own story, filled with indescribably deep experiences and emotions. After all, volunteers are frequently among the first to arrive in liberated areas, so the footage they see is valuable documentary evidence.
“Volunteer’s Diary” describes a volunteer team on a trip to Kharkiv Oblast’s Kupyansky District, which survived the occupation. In addition, there will be a meeting with a military general in the Donetsk region, as well as a surprise for his birthday.
Snigurivka, located in Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts, will be released in the near future. We still have a lot to show and tell the world, and it’s not just about the daily lives of volunteers, but also about the terrible consequences of the Russian invaders’ barbaric atrocities. We still have things to show and tell the rest of the world. As a result, we plan to keep creating the “pages” of the “Volunteer’s Diary” until victory!