ANTS European Studies will provide outstanding Ukrainian youth with theoretical fundamentals and the practical side of European integration. We aim to create a pool of young Ukrainian experts eager to work on European integration at Ukrainian and European institutions.
I STAGE: spring 2023
The introductory lectures on European integration’s theoretical and practical aspects will be held by prominent European and Ukrainian experts, intellectuals, and practitioners at Bohdan Havrylyshyn’s apartment. 15 students and young practitioners will attend offline training sessions with unlimited Zoom listeners (registration required). You can follow the event online on Facebook NGO “National Interest Advocacy Network “ANTS.”
You will have an opportunity to immerse in the European prospects of Ukraine and learn about the experience of other countries on joining the EU, the decision-making process of European institutions, the EU budget and fiscal procedures. Furthermore, you will also discover innovative ecosystems and the latest developments in defense and security, etc.
II STAGE: May – June 2023
Online learning course, consisting of lectures recorded at the first stage, will be published on an open educational platform. It is expected that from 300 to 3,000 participants will take the course.
III STAGE: July – August 2023
30-40 outstanding students will participate in intensive offline training. The curriculum provides more detailed and deeper immersion in the topics of European integration covered in the previous program’s stages.
IV STAGE: autumn – beginning of winter 2023
Thirty outstanding students will gain practical experience in EU affairs during the study visit to EU institutions. In addition, they will continue to explore this domain by completing traineeships and working for the Ukrainian public authorities and think tanks to contribute to the European integration of Ukraine.
The European Studies are part of a broader plan of NGO “National Interest Advocacy Network “ANTS” to nurture a new state elite and create a network of a generation of proactive experts working on European integration at public authorities and civil society.
Contact person:
Olena Sas,
063 617 43 01
Kingdom of the Netherlands