In August 2024, we officially launched the National Heritage Protection Network Manifesto. The manifesto sets out a common vision of national heritage and the principles adhered to by the network members, as well as the network’s directions for achieving a common goal.
The manifesto has already been joined by a number of representatives of NGOs and experts working in the field of protection, preservation and management of Ukraine’s national heritage. In times of war, the protection and preservation of heritage — cultural, natural, scientific — is our common cause and responsibility.
On 3 July, a constituent meeting was held to bring together experts from all over Ukraine. It was then that the National Heritage Protection Network was established – an informal, non-profit association of organisations, initiative groups, experts and activists aimed at preserving, protecting and sustainably developing Ukraine’s national heritage.
The Network considers Ukraine’s national heritage — natural, cultural (both material and living) and scientific — to be an integral, fundamental, and inalienable part of the identity of the Ukrainian people. The Manifesto emphasises that national heritage and memory should be recognised as a fundamental national interest of Ukraine in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On National Security”.
The Network members aim to develop the protection, preservation and management of national heritage to the level of international standards, taking into account Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
“The National Heritage Protection Network platform will be a useful tool for forming various horizontal links between different areas. This will help strengthen the network through the efforts of each of us and will benefit various organisations and communities,” says Kateryna Chueva, an expert of the Cultural Heritage Protection Network project.
The National Heritage Protection Network is open to new partnerships and members.
You can join the Network and sign the Manifesto here:
The National Interest Advocacy Network “ANTS” initiated the creation and supports the activities of the National Heritage Protection Network, which is of utmost importance for the state. At a time when the country is facing numerous challenges, heritage preservation is a strategic national interest.
This project was made possible through the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact in Ukraine. The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of Pact and its implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.