Maryna Denysiuk, senior project manager and leader of the Coordination team for the development of Ukraine’s recovery plan, highlighted that because our country is becoming a destination for investors, everything must be done to protect them.
“The regional and central levels are included in the recovery strategy. The regional level has been worked out in part. This trend was supported by the newly established agency, which would deal with the project as part of Ukraine’s rehabilitation”.
The expert also stated that speedy recovery is already in effect, but everything is dependent on resources.
“The following are the priority for speedy recovery: energy recovery; humanitarian demining, which impacts every community, particularly in frontline areas; and we must rebuild what was destroyed by the occupiers and create new dwellings within one year. It is critical to repair the entire infrastructure; private sector and business support are required “.
The Rebuild Ukraine digital management (RUDM) system will be implemented soon, according to Viktor Nestulya, co-founder of the RISE Ukraine Open Contracting Partnership Coalition.
“The digital management system for Ukraine’s reconstruction will be linked to a register of damaged and destroyed property as well as a geographical data base. The functionality will, in particular, allow:
create a plan for project implementation at all phases;
real-time tracking of the project’s progress
respond quickly to delays in project stage implementation,” – Viktor Nestulya stated.